The Association for the Protection of Road Accident Victims.
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Road crash victims have basic constitutional rights which should not be compromised.
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Get involved to help restore the RAF to a centre of excellence.
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The Voice & Champion for all South African Road Crash Victims

A group of professionals that had been entrusted with acting on behalf of road crash victims for years established APRAV in 2014. Upon considering the implications of the proposed RABS Bill if it were to be enacted, APRAV took up the challenge to ensure that the RABS Bill never sees the light of day.  A monumental team effort ensued from road crash victims like Mr. Abel Lebereko and others sharing their experiences to tapping into the bottomless pool of knowledge and recourses available to APRAV concerning third party and applicable law, which ultimately resulted in exposing the truth about RABS and ensured the demise thereof. APRAV is all about ensuring that road crash victims’ rights are protected and the truth is upheld in the interest of justice. 

Today, APRAV remains dedicated to ensuring road accident victims receive timely justice and support. 

We achieve this by:

  1. Staying informed: APRAV closely monitors any changes in road accident legislation and policies that might impact negatively on the livelihood of all road crash victims;
  2. Advocating a workable strategy plan: APRAV actively researches and stays abreast of current affairs that might impact negatively on the Road Accident Fund (RAF) and is constantly labouring to compile a strategy plan to ensure the recovery of the RAF on the short and long term.
  3. Encouraging collaboration: APRAV will stay the course and work to achieve collaboration between all the stakeholders, including the RAF, as it still remains the key to ensuring the efficient and timely execution of the mandate given to the RAF, being to afford “the widest possible protection to all road crash victims.

Justice on the Road.
Be Part of the Solution.

Join us in building a better future for all South Africans affected by road accidents. Please share your experiences and insights with us. Your information will be kept strictly private and confidential, and will help us gather vital statistics to advocate for change and improve support systems for victims.

Together, we can make a difference.


Let us know if you have any RAF payment older than 180 days on your RNYP?

Direct Claimants

Let us know if you’ve had any difficulties in getting feedback from the RAF?

Service providers

Let us know how the non-payment of the RAF affects your business.

Champion for Access to Justice and Promoting Road Safety

Our organisation has been actively engaged in various initiatives to protect the rights of South African citizens affected by road accidents. Here are some of our recent activities.

We remain committed to advocating for road safety and ensuring that victims of road accidents receive the justice they deserve.

Recent Activities

APRAV Open Letter to All Stakeholders 2

Letter to the Minister of Transport, The Honourable Barbara Creecy

APRAV Letter to Department of Finance and others
03 Oct 2023

Request for Comment on the RAF Amendment Bill 2023